Care & Repair


We use 4C’s method to describe diamond jewelry. The 4Cs are Colour, Carat Weight, Cut, and clarity. There is a fifth ‘C’ too, which is care. This C is in the hand of the user. To maintain and care the diamond and diamond jewelry, following steps are useful.


Diamonds and gold if placed with another piece of jewelry, the shine and cut can be hampered. So, store each item in separate pouch of soft cloth or in our bespoke box provided by Shea Luxe Jewels.

Damage Control

Even though the jewelry is for everyday wear, avoid wearing during extreme activity. For example, swimming, sports, use of chemicals, hard physical work etc.
Don’t put the diamond pieces in the salt water or destroying chemicals like chlorine or detergents, etc.

Note: If the jewelry comes in contact with mercury, it will shatter it into pieces.


Clean the jewelry when needed with soft cloth.

To enhance its shine clean it with a clean and soft cloth after wearing the jewelry. Also clean the jewelry before storing it.

Temperature Check

If your diamond has cracks, avoid sudden changes of temperature to prevent the increment in cracks.


Shea Luxe will try and fix your jewelry if damaged with an additional charge in case of extra elements need to be added.

You can get your jewelry to the boutique for some cleaning and spa.

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